My Beautiful friend Sonia

Created by Pauline 10 months ago
My dearest and darling friend Sonia, I still cannot believe or comprehend that I am on your memorial page, I can’t stop the tears from falling. I have never forgotten the day I met you some 40 years ago, when you walked into the office in London and we became friends, we were so young. It was from that moment we developed a life long friendship and unbreakable bond that always remained strong.  We were there for each other through many important events in our lives from my wedding 36 years ago, having our  children, church events, birthday days, it would take a whole book to write everything we have been through together. Your laugh was infectious, and always brought a smile to my face always lifted my spirits. You got me through some dark times in my life and always encouraged and supported me with my gifts. You were a tremendous treasure and blessing to me and so many others. I’m going to miss you so much my darling friend. I know you are now safe in the arms of Jesus.. Sleep tight my darling friend. Always in my heart. Your friend Pauline ❤️ 
