Sandra French 24th May 2024

Mother Sonia was a woman of elegance. She loved to dress up and look her best. She had a high standard for herself and for others, and would encourage others to always go further and be their best. She would see through the lens of potential and opportunities and if those opportunities weren’t there she would encourage you to find them or search for them. She was a kind hearted and generous person especially to the children. From the youngest child to the most senior person. Whether it was Easter chocolates, crafts for the children or a bouquet of flowers. Two of her passions that I observed were to help young single mothers and for young people to express themselves through the arts . Ie. Drama. She had this phase - IT’S ALL ABOUT THE ARTS. She once mentioned to me that from a young age she was singled out as different, she did not speak or sound like the rest, whatever that norm was, she used the thing that should have broken her to strengthen her. From the very first day we met Mother Sonia and Min. David, I believe God gave us a special love for this couple. Mother Sonia had a passion for God and she was going to let you know about it. Her testimonies were very earnest and you could see her heart for God. Her hallelujahs and her praise were felt. As ladies at Ctrm, Mother Sonia was very special to us, and each person had their own relationship and individual experience with her. I was privileged to have my own unique time with her. We would enjoy times of prayer and encouragement which we cherished. She would always say as a Pastor you have a lot to do, but prayer was a pleasure for me and a very special tool that God gave us to commune with Him. Eph. 5:19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; This verse I believe sums up our times of fellowship together. In the latter part of our fellowship, there were times when we were unable to have that one to one over the phone due to various appointments, but we would send voice messages with prayers and encouragements backwards and forwards. For me, just one sentence from her would melt my heart. Without a word said to her. She would say Pastor Sandra “ I know, I know, as a Pastor what you are carrying and I’m praying for you. For me that was medicine for my soul. Despite the challenges that she faced with her health, her eyes were always fixed on the work before her. Her heart was full of possibilities and potential of what she could do. The Sunday before her passing , she mentioned that she didn’t want us to pray anymore about her healing but for her to be strong enough to continue the work on her heart. She reminded me of the story of Nehemiah, repairing the broken walls of Jerusalem. Despite the oppositions, the naysayers, He said with a sword in one hand and the work in the other, “ the work is too great and I cannot come down” Today our dear Mother Sonia has left a legacy for those who truly knew her. If I could sum it up it would be. - Serve God with all your heart, - Enjoy your life on the way, - Seize the moment and always try to give a helping hand. And finally …. Here is a poem from Brittany Burgunder It takes courage to change your life. It takes strength to keep going when you're ready to quit. And there is beauty to be discovered from realizing you overcame what you thought you could not. Some things cannot be explained solely by words, rather they are felt in your heart and woven into your very being. Mother Sonia, we thank God for your life and the lasting impact you have made in so many lives. May your soul rest in peace.