Pastor David French 24th May 2024

I first met Mother Sonia roughly 10 years ago. We were both members of the Lewisham Children Safeguarding Board, and so when the board met, we met. At the start of each meeting we would do a round-table and introduce ourselves. It was a large board of about 36 members from across Social Services; the Metropolitan Police Service; the NHS; educational services; and the Voluntary Community Sector. There were just two independent members: Mother Sonia and I. It was when I introduced myself as Pastor David French from Christ the Rock Ministries representing the Voluntary Community Sector that Mother Sonia decided to find out more about me. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 9:10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going. KJV Mother Sonia and I continued to see each other about two or three times a year at board meetings. There, she would mostly listen, but when she did speak, people listened. The way that Mother Sonia liked to make her point was to draw on her own personal experience and observation. She had a real presence and a clear passion when she spoke. You could be sure that she had a point to make, and wasn’t just speaking to be seen. Some years later Pastor Sandra and I began to enjoy fellowship with Mother Sonia and Minister David. As seasoned leaders, Minister David and Mother Sonia had so much in common with us and we were able to draw from and support each other through our shared experience, wisdom and encouragement. We experienced a deep bonding through our shared faith and experience, and a mutual respect. As Hebrews 13:1 says, Let brotherly love continue.” NKJV Mother Sonia was a dedicated worshipper, but as time went on, her health became more of a challenge to her. She would share her battles with the church during testimony time and so we all shared to a degree in her journey. Mother Sonia might almost sigh as she described the latest round of examinations or hospitalisation but she would never once complain. On the contrary, she would always find a reason to be thankful to God for sparing her life. No matter what was happening she was always smiling. Mother Sonia was for all of us a towering example of deep-rooted faith, anchored in the Rock of Ages. This faith proved itself unshakeable even during the harshest storms of life. Facing her Jordan, Mother Sonia looked unflinchingly beyond this temporary world and into eternity. As 1 Corinthians 15:58 says: Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. KJV My lasting memory of Mother Sonia will be that of a warrior for Christ who was secure in her faith. From that unshakeable position of trust, Mother Sonia was lovingly inclined to shake things up whether in the secular realm, or in church. Her goal was to provoke action that would cause lasting transformation and bring glory to God. And to you Minister David, I just want to say that despite the difficulties, one thing we have all observed and taken note of throughout the recent years was your constant love and dedication towards Mother Sonia. You have demonstrated what it means for a man to love his wife even as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for her. Truly, we have all been inspired and enriched by your example. I shall remember Mother Sonia for her sharp but always loving and playful sense of humour that invariably had a deeper point; for the sparkle in her eyes, for the sincere note of her often painful and personal testimony; for the challenges she would face personally, and those she would float towards us. Finally, I will remember Mother Sonia for how she rose above her own challenges to win the race, crossing the finish line strong and triumphant through her rock solid faith in the risen Christ. My dear mother Sonia, may your soul rest in the sweet peace of Christ our Saviour.